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      Anayennisi Aromatics - Aromatherapy Essential oils Guide

Using Olive Oil For Hair

using olive oil for hair

Using Olive oil for hair
How to use Essential oils for hair treatments.

Olive Oil Hair Treatment.

Anayennisi Aromatics Ultimate Hair Repair, the guide for using essential oils for hair.

Simple, inexpensive and effective natural remedies for healthy, radiant hair

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Great hair makes you feel good, great hair gets you attention, so therefore your hair deserves lots of loving care.

For centuries, olive oil for hair care has been the norm, to condition and add shine and lustre to the hair, as have essential oils, indeed Ancient Greeks would add olive oil and saffron to condition and color their hair blonde and in Ancient Egypt, 4,000 years ago, essential oils and henna were added to hair to perfume and colour the hair with distinctive red hues.

Olive oil and essential oils, together can give your hair and scalp all the care it needs - to keep it feeling and looking as fantastic as it should, your hair after all is your crowning glory !

using olive oil for hair treatments

                               Using Olive Oil For Hair

The hair on your head is subjected to a huge amount of stresses and strains - from harsh styling products, heated appliances to straighten or curl hair, hair extensions, chemical hair colors, sprays and dyes, natural elements - wind, sun and sea, not to mention the stress of everyday life, poor diet, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, emotional and physical stressors, smoking and ill-health - no wonder it reflects what is truly happening in our worlds !

So take a good look at what is happening in your life, as we all know beauty comes from the inside out and you are what you eat. 

Great hair - although theoretically regarded as dead - 100,000 strands of keratin at any one time on a normal head of hair, depends upon good nutrition and sleep as well as a good cleansing routine. It goes without saying that stress is just the worst offender for hair-care, as too much emotional upheaval can even result in hair loss and complete fallout !

Fantastic hair loves water,Vitamins A and C, Vitamins B5, B6 and B12, Protein, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Biotin and Omega 3 fish oils........foods that should be on your shopping list that contain these nutrients, to encourage growth and maintenance of healthy tresses are

  • olive oil
  • fish
  • eggs
  • dark green vegetables
  • carrots
  • nuts
  • Greek yoghurt
  • legumes
  • avocadoes

                         Using Olive Oil For Hair.

Many hair products state that they contain pantothenic acid - pantothen comes from a Greek word meaning everywhere - another name for pantothenic acid is Vitamin B5, the foods above all contain Vitamin B5 and if a good diet is being eaten supplements are not required, indeed too much Vitamin A can cause hair loss.

using olive oil for hair care

Using Olive Oil for Hair Treatments.

Treatments to condition and cleanse your locks, to enable them to shine to their glorious potential.

This is a simple deep conditioning treatment suitable for all hair types.

Take 100ml of warm olive oil - to this add one of the following

  • 20 drops Geranium Essential oil
  • 20 drops Ylang-ylang Essential oil
  • 20 drops Rosemary Essential oil
  • 20 drops Lavender Essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential oil and 10 drops Geranium Essential oil
  • 10 drops Ylang-ylang Essential oil and 10 drops Geranium Essential oil
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential oil and 10 drops Rosemary Essential oil

Massage well into dry hair, really work the oil mixture into both the scalp and your hair, using strong circular movements all over your head.......even better if you can get someone else to do this for you for ten is deeply relaxing ! Place a shower cap or turban over your hair, cover with a warm towel and keep your hair wrapped up for an hour.

Remove the towel and cap and work your normal shampoo into your hair - then rinse with warm water.

Rinse again with warm water, with either 50ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice or chamomile infusion, added to the water.

To make the chamomile infusion, either steep dried chamomile heads in hot water or use a chamomile teabag !

Rinse again, for the last time in clear warm water.

Now your hair should be soft, shining and smelling heavenly !

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