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Homemade laundry soap.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

Easy Soapmaking Instructions for Homemade Laundry Soap.

Home made laundry detergent, home made natural cleaning products, organic, pure and simple. Natural cleaning recipes using a natural soap base.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

Why Anayennisi Aromatics Natural Laundry Soap makes sense.......

Doing the laundry is an inescapable chore, so anything that makes you feel better about doing it, is worth thinking about !

So here are a just a few things to consider.

1. Conventional brands of laundry detergent are expensive....fact!

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

2. Laundry detergents and products more often than not contain petrochemical surfactants, bleaches, and other toxic ingredients.....have a look on the packaging for such things as anionic surfactantants eg; linear alkyl sodium sulfonates or optical brightening agents, these are known toxic irritants to the skin, eyes and lungs, nonbiodegradable compounds....fact !

3.Synthetic fragrances are used to perfume the detergents.......fact !

4. Petrochemical detergents destroy and cause imbalance to aquatic eco-systems.......fact !

These are only 4 considerations, there are many more but you get where I am coming from without me jumping onto my eco-warrior bandwagon :)

So, routinely day after day the nations' clothes are being washed in toxic, hazardous chemicals that are expensive to use and deeply harmful to the environment............. Thankfully, there is an obvious option and solution - clearly natural soap wins every time and by natural soap base - I mean a vegetable oil based soap - specifically an olive oil soap recipe - combined together with other naturally occurring ingredients which are organic, safe, easily obtainable, effective and very importantly cheap and sustainable to use. The other ingredients required are baking soda, washing soda and borax.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

Anayennisi Aromatics Homemade laundry soap.
Home made laundry detergent, home made natural cleaning products, organic, pure and simple.

What is in Homemade Laundry Soap ?

What is Baking Soda ?

NaHCO3 - Baking soda is an alkaline, a salt, derived from nahcholite - it is known as sodium bicarbonate, bread soda, cooking soda or bicarbonate of soda.

Since Egyptian times - Natron - the mineral form of sodium bicarbonate has been used as a cleaning aid. Soda ash (sodium carbonate) was produced in 1791, by Nicholas Leblanc in France. Austin Church and John Dwight carried the process further and in 1846, in New York developed baking soda, from carbon dioxide and sodium carbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate is used in cooking as a lightening and foaming agent, a leavening agent for dough. When mixed with water it is a well known antacid alleviating heartburn and acid reflux, it is used both in toothpaste and as a shampoo. Also sodium bicarbonate is used extensively in cleaning products, notably in washing products as it is a very effective stain remover, deodorizer and water softener.

What is Washing Soda ?

Na2CO3 - Sodium Carbonate - also known as washing soda or soda ash is a sodium salt of carbonic acid produced with the Solvay process, it is highly alkaline with a pH of 11.

Soda ash is used in toothpastes, in cooking - for browning pretzels, it is also used to make sherbet. Other uses include its role in reticulation in photography and as a descaler and water softener, amongst many others used in industry.

Washing soda can easily be made from baking soda, by placing the baking soda in a flat tray in the oven at 205c, for a few minutes, the transformation does not take long. but careful monitoring is required, in order to remove the soda from the oven once the transition has taken place.

Baking soda is powder-like and washing soda is granular, washing soda is dull in color and baking soda is shiny and crystalline. At 205c baking soda becomes washing soda, carbon dioxide and water (steam). Remember that both baking and washing soda are just basically types of salt !

What is Borax ?

Na2B4O7.10H2O - Borax is an alkaline substance, a mineral salt, derived from boric acid, a boron compound, it is also known as sodium borate or tincal.

Originally taken from Tibetan dry lake beds and taken via the Silk Road to Arabia - latterly in the 19th Century it has been taken from Death Valley and the deserts of California in great quantities, enabling the product to be commonly available to all and inexpensive to buy - supplies are now also brought in from Bolivia, Chile, Romania and Turkey, Tibet continues to trade Borax as it always has ! Borax has a multitude of uses from small scale mining extraction, insertion into household cleaning products, an integral part of ceramic glazing, as a food preservative, as part of vitamin supplements or as an anti-fungal treatment!

Nowadays, the best place to source washing soda, baking soda or borax if not available at your local hardware store, try

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

Anayennisi-Aromatics free soap recipes for Natural Homemade Laundry Soap are the smart alternative to conventional laundry detergents, the other win win factor are their suitability for high efficiency washing machines. High efficiency washing machines state that due to less water being used less suds are required - Anayennisi Aromatics laundry soap scores highly here as it is very low on suds but very high on cleaning - perfect for high efficiency washing machines.

Aromatherapy Essential Oils Guide.Recipes for Health and Beauty,Soaps and Candles,Olive Oil and Mediterranean Life.

Homemade Soap Recipes - Natural Homemade Laundry Soap

1 cup = 16 level tablespoons

Sufficient for 45 -50 loads of washing - use 1 level tablespoon per load.

1 bar of Soap - finely grated - go to the olive oil soap recipes page or the sitemap for all of the olive oil soap recipes - choose any one.

1 cup of Borax

1 cup of Baking Soda

1 cup of Washing Soda

20 - 30 drops Essential oil ( optional - but highly recommended !)

Add these all together, mix well, shake and store in an airtight box - simple, natural, homemade laundry soap.

Homemade laundry soap clothes softener.
To soften clothes, use 60ml of white vinegar with 10 drops of essential oils, put into the fabric conditioner part of the dispenser as you would any other conditioner, not only will it soften your clothes but it will also prevent your washing machine from clogging up, either from hard water deposits or any soap residues.

For alternative tumble-dryer cloths, use pieces of cotton,(any old sheets or clothing) cut into squares and sprinkled with 10 drops of essential oil of your choosing.

Here are some suggested blends of essential oils to add to your homemade laundry soap or alternatively start with a soap you have already made..... for olive oil soap recipes using only a natural soap base go to the Sitemap or Make soap page...the link is below.

Blends of Essential Oils For Natural Homemade Laundry Soap

10 drops Lemon Essential Oil and 10 drops Geranium Essential Oil.

10 drops Lemon Essential Oil and 10 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil

10 drops Chamomile Essential Oil and 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

10 drops Geranium Essential Oil and 10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

10 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil and 10 drops Patchouli Essential Oil

10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil and 10 drops Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

10 drops Rose Essential Oil and 10 drops Orange Essential Oil.

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil and 10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil and 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil.

10 drops Spearmint Essential Oil and 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil.

10 drops Geranium Essential Oil and 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

10 drops Tea Tree Oil and 10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil

10 drops Orange Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil

10 drops Geranium Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil.

10 drops Rosemary Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil

10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil.

10 drops Tea Tree and 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil.

10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil

10 drops Chamomile Essential Oil and 10 drops Tea Tree Oil

Go to the Make Soap and all the soap recipes page

Go to the Homemade Liquid Laundry soap page

Go to the Sitemap page - to see all the soap recipes under the Make Soap heading

Go to How to make Olive Oil Soap

Make Natural Homemade Hand and Body Liquid Soap

Go to the Natural Cleaning Recipes Page

Go to Cautions - Please Read page

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